Unit 473 represents the interests of members of the ACBL who live in Reno and surrounding areas. The Unit sponsors a variety of bridge events, including sectional ACBL duplicate bridge tournaments. It is governed by a Board of Directors that elected annually by the Unit membership. Our current board members are:
President – Richard Bartlett

I grew up in San Diego and began playing bridge in 1963. Moved to Denver in 1973, where I met my wife, Ginny, we played bridge socially, in local games and local tournaments. At the time, Charles Goren was all the rage. I moved to Reno, after my wife passed away, in February 2019, just in time for the Covid Lockdown. I was looking to play bridge at the Arrowcreek club and other games in the Reno area. Discovered Better Bridge Online in late February, 2019 and began playing weekly with various partners. I was introduced to Mathewson Bridge Center by Linda Frye, in mid-2021. I have continued taking private lessons, lessons from Jill and studying the new 2 Over 1 method. I am learning some core conventions, four from Larry Cohen and six from Barbara Seagram. I enjoy teams play and playing in the open games, to improve my skills.
Vice President – Gil Ramirez

Born in Houston, Texas, on July 15, 1939.
Lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Madrid, Spain, before moving to Reno, Nevada, in 2003. After serving 7 years In the military I graduated from San Francisco State in 1970. I learned how to play bridge in 1972, and still trying to improve my play.
Tam Gandert – Tournament Co-chair

I was born and raised on a farm in Ohio. Before moving to Reno in 2018, I lived in Atlanta GA, Raleigh NC and Palm Desert, CA. My dad taught me to play bridge when I was twelve and I loved it. Like so many, I played up through college and hadn’t really played again until I retired in 2020. When I was searching for places to play in Reno I came across the MBC webpage. I signed up for lessons to “freshen up” and realized how much things had changed in the last 40 years and how much I had to learn! I have loved taking lessons, playing in the 149 game on Friday and meeting new friends at the center.
Prior to retirement, I was a district manager for Starbucks Coffee Company. I am married, have 4 cats and lots of fabulous nieces and nephews. In addition to playing bridge, I love playing any card game, participating in community theatre, watching THE Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns.
Shannon Dressel – Tournament Co-Chair

Born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada, I moved to the United States in the early 1970’s. My background in healthcare began as a Registered Nurse in Critical Care, and was followed by multiple careers, all in healthcare. My work required several moves and frequent travel throughout the United States and a little in Europe. My husband, John, and I moved to Reno from Northern California, in 2004. I retired in 2018.
My first introduction to duplicate bridge was at Mathewson Bridge Center in 2019, after a brief introduction to social bridge. When Covid brought person-to-person bridge play to a halt, Jill Wallace took to the internet and showered all who were interested, with lessons, coaching, study material and supervised practice online. I continue to be a student of bridge and lifelong learner (and perhaps I’m addicted to the game). Thank you, Jill!
When I am not playing bridge, I golf with my husband and friends, play mahjong, and love fireplace time with a really good book and accompanied by our two needy felines.
Mark Lundblad – Treasurer
Donna Neff – Secretary
Ed Winchester
Karen Lind