Level of Lesson: Beginner | Advanced Beginner to Intermediate | Coaching Supervised Play

Jill Wallace
Bridge Lessons & Supervised Play Sessions
At the Beginner Level
The wonderful thing about bridge is that there is always more to learn! And learning bridge is really good for the health of our brains. The Mathewson Bridge Center is fortunate to have several bridge teachers who will help you in learning to play bridge or in improving your game.
Bridge I: Bridge Basics (Jan. 22 – Mar. 19, 2025, Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 pm)
Description: Students learn the basics of modern-day bridge, which includes the scoring, bidding, and the play of the game. This series is recommended for people who are beginning bridge players or who would like to review beginning bridge topics.
Topics: Bridge Basics, Introduction to Bidding and Play, Mini-Bridge and Opening Bids, One of a Major Openings and Responses, One of a Minor Openings and Responses, Notrump Openings and Responses, Stayman
Cost of Lessons: $80
Required textbooks: Handouts will be provided
To register: Register at https://bit.ly/Bridge-Course-Registration and payment information will be provided.
At the Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Level
Bridge 2: Bidding and Play (Jan. 20 – Mar. 17, 2025, Mondays, 9:30 – 11:30 am)
Description: This course begins where Learn to Play Bridge 1 leaves off and continues with students learning to play Two over One, a modern day bidding system. The course also focuses on play of the hand concepts and competitive bidding (overcalls and preempts).
Level: This series is recommended for people who taken the Bridge 1 course and for advanced beginners who are ready to take their bidding and play to the next level. Upon completion of this course, you should be ready to play in any social or duplicate bridge group.
Topics: Stayman and Jacoby Transfers, 2 over 1 Bidding System, 1NT Semi-Fording, Slam Bidding (Roman Keycard 1430), Overcalls, and Preemptive Bidding.
Cost: $80
Textbook: Introduction to Declarer Play, Second Edition (Eddie Kantar & Barbara Seagram) – can be purchased on Amazon. In addition, handouts and practice exercises will be provided.
To register: Register at https://bit.ly/Bridge-Course-Registration and payment information will be provided.
Bridge 3: Bidding and Play PLUS (Jan. 21 – Mar. 18, 2025, Tuesdays 9:30 -11:30 am)
Description: This course begins where Learn to Play Bridge 2 leaves off and continues with more advanced techniques and conventions for bidding, play and defense. It is recommended for people who taken the Bridge 2 course and for advanced beginners to intermediate players.
Topics: Advanced 2 over 1, Jacoby 2NT and Controls Bidding, Advanced Slam Bidding (Roman Keycard 1430), 4th Suit Forcing, Reverses, Takeout Doubles, Negative Doubles.
Cost: $80
Textbook: Introduction to Defense, Second Edition (Eddie Kantar & Barbara Seagram) – can be purchased on Amazon. In addition, handouts and practice exercises will be provided.
To register: Register at https://bit.ly/Bridge-Course-Registration and payment information will be provided.
Bridge 4: The Magic of Defense (Jan. 23 – Mar. 20, 2025, Thursdays, 9:30 – 11:30)
Description: In this course you will learn to communicate effectively with your partner on the defense of a bridge hand and to be a better defender. It is recommended for people who taken the Bridge 3 course and for advanced beginners to intermediate players.
Topics: Signaling and Carding Agreements, Opening Leads, Rule of 40, Third Hand Play, Unblocking Partner’s Suit, Rule of 11, Ruffing Game, Signaling Attitude, Discards, Count Signal, Suit Preference Signal, Second Hand Play, Counting Tricks, Lead-Directing Doubles
Cost: $80
Textbook: The Magic of Defense by Barbara Seagram – can be purchased at https://www.baronbarclay.com/bridge-the-magic-of-defense/. Optional textbook: Parrish the Thought – Volume 2: Modern Defensive Thinking (Adam Parrish) – can be purchased at https://bridgewinners.com/store/author/adam-parrish/.
To register: Register at https://bit.ly/Bridge-Course-Registration and payment information will be provided.
Supervised Play Sessions
Lesson plus Supervised Play with Bob Luebkeman
Date/time: Every Tuesday, 11:00-12:00 pm
Location: Mathewson Bridge Center (125 W. Plumb Lane)
Description: Bob Luebkeman offers bridge lessons plus supervised play at the Mathewson Bridge Center each Tuesday of the month, 11:00-12:00. You don’t need to preregister, you get to see your friends, and you LEARN from a pro!
Cost: Free. Donations accepted.
Thursday Coaching Sessions with Don Rogers (see Don Roger’s Lessons)
Date/time: Every Monday, 9:00 am – 11 am
Location: Mathewson Bridge Center (125 W. Plumb Lane)
Description: These are not lectures. Participants bid and play actual hands, leaving the bidding out on the table for discussion afterwards. Although many people choose to come with a partner, this is not required, and no advance sign-up or reservation is necessary.
Teacher: Don Rogers. If you have questions, or would like to be added to an email list for these sessions, you can email Don directly at [email protected]
Level: These sessions assume a basic knowledge of bidding and play, and are not intended for complete beginners.
Cost: $5 per person
Saturday Supervised Play Sessions with Jill Wallace & Brad Stone
Jill Wallace and Brad Stone offer a Saturday practice sessions at the Mathewson Bridge Center, 9:30 -11:30. Each session focuses on a particular play or bidding concept. If you would like to receive weekly emails regarding the topics for these sessions, please let Jill Wallace know ([email protected]). There is no charge for current students in the above classes, but a $5 charge for others.