Kathy Lane – Club Director
As club director, Kathy is in charge of scheduling all special games, scheduling directors, and handling any problems that may come along with the facilities or people.

I started playing bridge at 18 and duplicate at 19. I got addicted very early. My mom and dad played bridge on Sunday morning. They would sit and talk about the hands at the breakfast table before church. All of us kids thought “how boring is this,” now I understand.
Jill Wallace
Jill has been instrumental in getting new ACBL members. She is a ACBL certified teacher and offers various levels of classes throughout the year. Jill has also taken it upon herself to schedule guest speakers throughout the year.
Susan Powell
Susan is our resident technology person. She maintains the website, updates the announcements at the club, and sends out a weekly newsletter.
Mark Lundblad
Mark has been certified as a Local Director. This means that he is able to direct local sectionals as long as they don’t have over 25 tables.
Tam Gandert

Lee Dunn
Don Parsons

I began my working career as an institutional salesman with Smith Barney from 1969 to 1978, where I also served as Registered Options Principal. From 1978 to 1995, I was a member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange and an
independent specialist/market-maker. From 1999 to 2014, I was a licensed Trading Associate with Bright Trading, LLC and managed their Reno office from 1999 to 2004. I have been active as a principal and investor in oil and gas exploration and development projects for over 40 years. I remain an active
investor and principal in oil and gas exploration and development and in commercial/industrial real estate.
I have BA from Yale University and an MBA in Finance from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Business. I also studied geology at Montana State University.
I began playing duplicate bridge in Reno in 2011. In 2023, I attained the rank of Gold Life Master. In 2022, I was 329th on the Barry Crane top 500 list.